Wednesday, August 1, 2012

¡Feliz verano en familia!

Finalizada ya la estancia de todos los grupos, deseo que se hayan cumplido todos los objetivos que nos marcamos año tras año, no olvidando que el esfuerzo y la constancia son irrenunciables para que sea haga realidad el que "saber idiomas es abrir fronteras".

Agradezco, una vez más, la confianza que todos han puesto en Idiomas Padre Manyanet y les deseo que pasen un ¡Feliz verano en familia!

Hasta siempre,
P. Antonio Sorribes s.f.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hi everybody. This is the link of the best video in history:) Enjoy it and HAPPY SUMMER 2012.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

L'escola Pare Manyanet organitza l'únic campus d'anglès de Reus

L'escola Pare Manyanet organitza l'únic campus d'anglès de Reus: L'escola Pare Manyanet de Reus ha organitzat un campus d'anglès per a nens d'entre 8 i 14 anys, que finalitza aquest divendres. Durant tres setmanes, quasi setanta nens i nens han fet classes d'anglès i diverses activitats lúdiques. Per als més petits, també hi ha un campus dedicat a ells en el què mentre juguen i canten cançons aprenen anglès.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hi Parens & Friends,
We are so busy!!!! You can follow our activities by cliking in the link provided inthe last post. We are uploading photos everyday, yesterday's were on the Hawaiian Party. All of us disguised and played games outdoors and indoors because it rained a little. The dinner was also special and and a Hawaiian coktail!!!!
Today we are visiting Tarragona and playing also in English bya asking the people things to complete a gymkhana. We are having lots of fun!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hi parents,
This has been a great week in Reus. We have enjoyed a lot and you'll be able to see our photos in the provided link We hope you like them.
Today most us have left with our parents and the others have been on an excursion and to the beach.

Have a nice Monday!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hi parents,
At last we are here. Everything has been so busy and amazing at the same time that time rushed everyday. Nevertheless I'll post a brief summary to let you know our news, by the way, awesome!!!
On Monday we met everybody at the camp. There are 66 of us!!!, more girls than boys. We met out teachers and did our level test. In the afternoon we playes sports and enjoyed a lot with our new friends.
On Tuesday, we went to Aquopolis the whole day...SIMPLY AMAZING water sprouts, swingers, waves etc. Unforgetable!! we were so tired that got in bed at once.
Yesterday we had our English classes and in the afternoon we went to the pool. At night we meet our Summer Camp Presidents, everyday is a big party here!!!
I promise.... you, parents , will know more about us, but you should post and answer :)))

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Saber idiomas es abrir fronteras…

Un cordial saludo desde los diferentes “blogs” de nuestros Cursos de Idiomas, cuya finalidad es la de ser puentes de relación y comunicación con todos los padres, madres, familiares y amigos de cada uno de nuestros
Deseamos, que mediante los mismos, todos nos sintamos suficientemente informados de las diferentes actividades y de la marcha general de cada uno de los grupos. Ello contribuirá a la tranquilidad y confianza de saber que vuestros hijos e hijas aprovechan y cumplen los objetivos que nuestra Organización se ha propuesto realizar: divertirnos aprendiendo y madurar como personas. De esta manera contribuimos a hacer realidad que el “saber idiomas es abrir fronteras”.

P. Antonio Sorribes