Sunday, July 24, 2011


Un año más cerramos nuestros cursos de Idiomas, con la confianza que todos nuestros estudiantes hayan alcanzado los objectivos que nos habíamos marcado.

Quiero pues, agradecer desde aquí, en primer lugar, todo el trabajo llevado a cabo por los directores de grupo y los monitores responsables de cada uno de ellos. Asimismo, agradezo a los padres la confianza que habéis tenido con Idiomas Padre Manyanet.

Con el deseo de que todos terminemos de pasar un feliz verano en familia,
que San Jose Manyanet bendiga cada uno de vuestros hogares y hasta siempre.
P. Antonio Sorribes S. F.
Director de Idiomas Padre Manyanet

Friday, July 15, 2011

Celtics explain...

We like this camp because we have fun. We like to play and do sports with our friends. Most of us like the English classes but they are a bit long. We like to go to the excursion to Aquopolis, Port Aventura and Aqualeón. We have all made very good friends and play all together. One of the think that we all agree is that we wake-up very early. We would like to sleep a bit more, but we have great fun.


Britons explain...

On Wednesday we didn't go to the beach because it was very windy and cloudy.

We did sports like basketball and we played football. We liked it very much.

We had lots of fun. Some played in the tennis and table tennis competition. In the evening we had the Hawaiian party and we had necklaces from Hawaii and danced Hula-Huu.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Núria & Anna

Two days ago we went to Port Aventura, we enjoyed a lot because the monitors let us go alone with a group. It was fantastic.

Today is Monday of the second week. In the morning we had classes and in the afternoon sports & fun, we play football, basketball and sometimes relay races. In sports we have different teams: red, green, yellow and blue. Yellow and blue are the bears and green and red are the rabbits. We are having a lot of fun here.

Núria Zapatero & Anna Vicente

Port Aventura

On Sunday, we went to Port Aventura. We were split up in different groups. Father Fermin agreed in some of the groups so that's why the ones which Fermin disagree had to go with the monitors. We have fun all the morning and in the afternoon, we saw a show and then we went with our group again. We met monitors at twenty to seven.

You can see more photos here

Friday, July 8, 2011

Natalia de Cabo

On Sunday we come to Reus, we play some plays and we do teams. The next day we started classes. At 9 o'clock we did the level test, the teacher say if we are in the group of Britons, Celtics, Vikings, Scotts or Jutes. In the night we did the American Party. On Tuesday we did a excursion to aquopolis all day. It was funny and went with our friends. In the night we watched a film. On Wednesday in the night we did the presidents elections, theceremony it was funny and the presidents are Victor, me and the concilier Mario. I enjoyed very much!!

Natalia De Cabo

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

An afternoon at the beach.

Today after classes we have been to the beach of Cambrils. It is a beautiful little town on the coast near Reus. We have been swimming and having fun together on the sand and in the sea. The monitors and a teacher havae been with us. We speak English to them all the time because two are from Ireland and don't speak Spanish at all. We have new presidents at the Summer Camp!!!!!!!!!!! at breaktime we voted for them and they are: Victor Solé ---President; Mr. Natalia del Cabo---- Mrs President and Mario-Miguel de Andrés. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hi parents and family,
today it has been a great day. This morning, after breakfast we have done the the class as members of the class-groups of the Summer Camp 2011: Britons, Celtics, Vikings, Scots and Jutes, all ancient English tribes. After the break, we have gone to Aquopolis. It is a wonderful water park in La Pineda, a touristic town near Tarragona. We have been in every water ride: the Blach Hole, Boomerang, Splash, etc. Now we are exhausted... and tonight we have a film in English. Tomorrow we are going to the beach.... Fun and sun again:)
kisses and hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anna and Andrea

Monday, July 4, 2011


I'm very pleased of having met you, parents, on Sunday! your children are happy to be with us!! The teachers have been with them in the morning and the monitors and the rest of the staff in the afternoon, playing and having fun. they are practising their English, but it is difficult. Tomorrow we are going to Aquopolis to have fun and meet each other.
tomorrow one of your children will explain the experience. See you tomorrow, then.
Mai Rodas, coordinator

Friday, June 10, 2011


Un saludo desde los diferentes “blogs” de nuestra página Web, con el deseo que se haga realidad el lema escogido para este Verano 2011: “Un idioma, un país, una ilusión…”
Así pues, que todos y todas sepamos aprovechar esta oportunidad de aprender, mejorar y profundizar nuestros conocimientos del inglés y que verdaderamente nuestro aprendizaje sea del todo exitoso. Que los nuevos amigos/as nos ayuden a conseguir los objetivos que nos proponemos realizar: divertirnos aprendiendo y madurar en nuestro ser personas.
Feliz estancia a todos en cada uno de los lugares escogidos, dentro de nuestra Organización de Idiomas Padre Manyanet.
P. Antonio Sorribes